Native American Indian Fetish Necklace - Double Strands

Zuni Fetish Necklace Native American Indian Necklace Zuni Fetish Necklace Zuni Native American Indian Necklace Native American Indian Jewelry Certified Native American Indican Jewelry Zuni Fetish Necklace |
Item Number: Az2-8Nk
* Whole number only
Zuni Fetish Necklace in 2 Strands - Certified Native American Indian Jewelry
2-strand Zuni Necklace of handcrafted animal fetish beads including bear, fox, squirrel and Thunderbird. Beads are of turquoise, onyx, and agate.
The 2 strands drape at 26 and 27 inches each, and ending with a simple clasp.
Native American Indian Zuni Fetish Necklace = 26 and 27 inch strands