Organic Gauged Jewelry - Arang Rosebud Plug Earrings PAIR with Smooth Sides
Price: From $15.00 to $18.00
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Organic Arang Wood Chocolate Rosebud Gauged Earrings Plug PAIR - Urban Star
Price is for PAIR.
Quality Handcrafted Gauged Earrings...Exclusive Urban Star Organic Rosebud Plug earrings with smooth sides individually hand carved from Arang wood. Each earring has the etched "star" hallmark of authentic Urban Star Gauged Jewelry.
Available in various gauge sizes. See PRODUCT OPTIONS to select your size. Price is for pair.
Price: From $18.00 to $23.50
Urban Star makes quality organic gauged earrings like these exclusive Rosebud Plugs PAIR hand carved from Arang Wood..look for the "star" hallmark etched into each earring for authenticity.
Price: From $11.95 to $15.00
Urban Star Gauged Jewelry - handcarved creamy-white bone plug earrings pair. Price is for PAIR.
Price: From $22.00 to $28.25
Urban Star makes quality organic gauged earrings like these exclusive Chrysanthemum Plugs...look for the "star" hallmark etched into each earring for authenticity. Price is for PAIR.